From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Adjusting illumination

Adjusting illumination

- [Instrutor] We can also adjust the brightness of the sun and the moon. To make those adjustments, we can go to our visual settings, then go to atmosphere. From here we have an illumination area. Right now, the sun's brightness is set at eighty percent, and some of your other settings may be slightly different from mine, but right now my guess is that your sun's brightness probably is at eighty percent. If you decide to adjust that down to zero percent, you still have sun in the sky but its not very bright. If you ramp that up to five hundred percent, the sun is very very bright, but its not really as bright as five hundred percent brighter than what it actually is, but its just much brighter than what it is typically at maybe eighty percent or a hundred percent. There's also an option here for shadow sharpness, and I'll come back to this night sky brightness here in a minute, but that does exactly what it sounds like.…
