From the course: Enscape: Residential Visualization

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Adding effects

Adding effects

- [Instructor] The effects settings I almost never change, but I did want to point out that they're there, and I also wanted to show you another setting that works with all the different things underneath settings in Enscape. Underneath the Enscape tab, I'm going to go to my visual settings, go to image, and here we have our effects. Now if you ever want to know what is an effect, well, what you can do is you can just touch where it has that effect, in this case I'm touching on motion blur, and then down here at the bottom of the screen where we've got this gray bar, it'll give you a description of exactly what that setting does. In the case of motion blur, if you're walking through a scene, you can either turn off an object being blurry as you walk through the scene, or you can enhance the amount of blur that object has as you're walking through a scene. In the case of vignette, it says that it simulates a key hole…
