From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit (2020)

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Video creation

Video creation

- [Instructor] To create a video in Enscape, the first thing that you need to do is go to the view that you want to start your video animation in. In my case, I want to start it in my camera view. So once I'm inside of this camera view, which is where you can see my Enscape is at right now, the next thing is to, on the ribbon, come up here to Video. And do you want to turn on the Video Editor. So if you click on the Video Editor button, then in Enscape what we'll end up seeing is that you then end up getting the video editor available to us. Now, what I'll do is I'll just expand out Enscape so that it fills up my entire screen. One of the things that you can see down here is add keyframe. Now, every time you add a keyframe, that's a new spot in your animation that will get rendered. Whenever you're ready to just start this process, the very first thing that you should do is add a keyframe. And when we select add a keyframe,…
