From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit (2020)

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- [Instructor] Under General Settings there's an option for Preferences. Now the two things that I really just want to point out to you underneath preferences are suppress critical graphics driver warnings and language. Language is pretty obvious. If you want to be able to read everything in a language that's not English, this is where you can change it at. But suppress critical graphics driver warnings, this one can actually be important, and the reason why is that for instance my current computer which is only two and a half years old every single time I turn on Inscape it gives me a warning message saying that my graphics driver is out of date and that it probably isn't going to work with Inscape. Well I've just recorded this entire video series on that what they consider an outdated graphics driver so obviously it doesn't matter. It works just fine with the hardware that I have. So in order to get rid of that message…
