From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit (2020)

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Manage uploads

Manage uploads

- [Instructor] Once you've created a panorama, the next thing you can do is to view that Panorama, on the Enscape tab, you will find Manage Uploads. If you select on Manage Uploads, it will open up the Manage Uploads' dialog box. From here, you'll be able to get a preview of the various panorama uploads that you've created. Now, I'm using the term uploads, and the reality of it is, is that it's not really uploaded just yet, what we really have is an environment, where you can preview your panorama, and make a decision on what it is that you want to do with it. One other thing that I'll mention is that if you've worked on other projects that also had panoramas, you may see those panoramas listed here, where you can click on those panoramas, and be able to view them either on the internet or download those panoramas locally. In our situation, we should have a view called Panoramas, and if you just move your mouse over here…
