From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit

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- [Instructor] Here in Enscape, I'm currently inside of the view for the issue called Make White, which we did in a previous exercise. That being said, what's kind of interesting about the way that Enscape works is that it also can work with other issue-tracking software, one of the most popular of which is BIM Track, but there are other issue-tracking softwares, as well, that enable you to track issues with a very specific kind of file type. Now, if we take a look here on our collaborative annotation bar and then click where we have the three little lines, we can see that we can export our issues to a BCF file or import our issues from a BCF file. BCF files are what BIM Track saves out and brings in. And other programs like BIM Track, which are issue-tracking softwares, do in fact export out or import in this BCF information. So if you're making a variety of issues inside of Enscape, it is possible to export those out to…
