From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit

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- [Instructor] Underneath the render window settings, there's an option here for input. Input is direct input into the software of your mouse movements and commands. Now technically it's more than just that. And we'll see that here in a moment. But start to think about this as if you want to move around into the scene. What settings do you need to adjust in order to improve your overall performance moving around in the scene? Mouse speed does what it sounds like. How fast will you be able to move around inside the scene based off of the controls that you've set for your mouse. If you have very quick mouse controls, you may want to set this number down. If you have a rather slow mouse control or perhaps a slow computer, you may want to speed this up so that moving through the scene will be faster, Mouse smoothing, now that mouse smoothing is similar to mouse speed in the fact that it does affect the way that you're…
