From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit

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Create Issues

Create Issues

- [Instructor] Before I start talking about how to create an issue, I just want to give some advice that I personally use whenever I'm doing things inside of Inscape, such as creating issues. And that would be to, underneath Revvit, to pause a live updates. Now, the reason why I'm pausing a live update is that I want to make sure that it's a nice, smooth process for me to do anything inside of Inscape, without it trying to communicate back into Revvit. It just speeds things up. So that's the reason why I shut that off. Now, underneath, inside of Inscape, this button, which is the collaborative annotation button, you'll find that there's an option here for create issue. Now, when you're creating an issue, what that will do is create a new view or a new issue actually here on the list that you can assign information to. The first thing that I'm going to do though, is just sort of click inside of this view. And I want to zoom…
