From the course: Enscape Essential Training for Revit

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- In a recent release of Enscape they've added BIM as one of the options inside of the software. Now, this being our Enscape basics, we're only going to begin by reviewing what BIM is. Then later on, we'll come back and we'll start to describe some of, all the different things that you can actually use this BIM tool for. What I'll do is I'll come over here to Enscape, and I'm just going to expand it out. So I'm just going to click on maximize. Now that I'm here at maximize, we can see that one of the buttons actually is called BIM mode. By the way, anytime that you see a letter next to a command, that means all you have to do is just hit that letter and it'll automatically open up the menu for that command. And in a case of BIM mode, it would be B for BIM. But I'm going to select on the icon that says BIM. Now what's really interesting about this, is that it's now showing all those different entities. We can actually see…
