From the course: Enhancing Team Innovation

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Understand and challenge biases

Understand and challenge biases

From the course: Enhancing Team Innovation

Understand and challenge biases

- Conscious or unconscious, we all have biases. These may be really obvious, or they could be a little less obvious. It's often these less obvious individual biases which can derail a team and hinder innovative outputs. And when you understand how this happens, you'll be in a position to challenge your own biases. In order to enhance team innovation, you need a group of people who are comfortable initiating, exploring, and testing a range of new ideas. When developing new ideas, you need a group of people who are open to new ideas, curious to learn more, and willing to challenge assumptions and provide effective feedback. When this becomes tricky is if individuals are more likely to listen to certain types of ideas or ideas put forward by a specific person. You may find you've worked with an individual before and you trust their experience and perspectives, but does this mean others on your team don't have a valid idea or perspective? Without being conscious of it, you may find you…
