From the course: Enhancing Resilience

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Create your resilience plan

Create your resilience plan

From the course: Enhancing Resilience

Create your resilience plan

- Resilience isn't an end goal. Resilience is a mindset, a way of life, a set of psychological tools you have at your disposal when you need them. If you're working towards the day you've achieved resilience, you may be setting yourself up for a fall. You have to practice and maintain resilience skills, building your resilience reserves over time. The irony is many people focus on boosting resilience so they can avoid challenges, mistakes, and failures, when in fact, it's these experiences and your responses that allow you to build resilience over time. You simply cannot be resilient, and you cannot truly enhance performance without facing challenges. What you can do, however, is build the skills that underpin resilience by working on each of the Resilience Edge pillars which are six core elements that help you to enhance your resilience skills. The best place to start is to consider where you are right now in each of…
