From the course: Elearning Tips

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How to plan your elearning project with a kickoff meeting

How to plan your elearning project with a kickoff meeting

From the course: Elearning Tips

How to plan your elearning project with a kickoff meeting

- In my experience, one of the best ways to start a new e-learning project is by conducting a kickoff meeting with your stakeholders and subject matter experts. And the truth is, it's one of the few opportunities you'll have to get everyone involved in the project together to discuss the e-learning course you're planning to build and agree on their involvement in the project. So how do you conduct a kickoff meeting? Well, there are three things you need to do. First, make sure you invite the right people. This includes your project stakeholders, subject matter experts, along with any other designers or developers participating in the project. Second, you want to make sure you ask the right questions. The questions you ask should help you uncover the total scope of the project, the desired outcomes, the course content and delivery dates and milestones and really anything else that will affect your ability to develop the…
