From the course: Elearning Tips

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How to create a visual elearning storyboard

How to create a visual elearning storyboard

From the course: Elearning Tips

How to create a visual elearning storyboard

- When you're drafting a storyboard, it can sometimes be hard for your stakeholders and subject matter experts to imagine what your course will look like, and a great way to overcome this is by creating a visual storyboard. Now, unlike the other types of storyboards, a visual storyboard outlines your learning contents slide by slide, but it also includes mock ups of how your slides might look. Let me show you an example. Here's a visual storyboard that I'm currently working on for an e-learning course I'm developing. Now, while there isn't a single layout or tool you need to use when creating a visual storyboard, I like to use PowerPoint. Let's take a look at this slide here for slide number four within my e-learning course. First, you'll see here, I've included the title of my slide and this will help my reviewers navigate the storyboard and see how the content is laid out. Next, I've included several sections here that…
