From the course: Elearning Tips

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How to create a functional prototype of your elearning course

How to create a functional prototype of your elearning course

From the course: Elearning Tips

How to create a functional prototype of your elearning course

- Once you've finalized your learning content and the look and feel of your e-learning course, it's important that you regularly send it off to your stakeholder and subject matter experts to get their review and feedback. Now personally, I don't recommend waiting until you've developed your entire course before you do this. In my experience, it's best to send your course out for review as you develop it. Now one way to do this is by creating and iterating on a functional prototype. And unlike the other kinds of prototypes, a functional prototype is a fully developed and working sample of your e-learning course. Let's take a look at an example that I need to send off for review. So I have this course here on customer service and I've created this functional prototype to send off for my stakeholders and subject matter experts to review. Now, whenever I create a functional prototype, there are a few things I like to…
