From the course: Elearning Tips

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How to conduct an elearning project retrospective

How to conduct an elearning project retrospective

From the course: Elearning Tips

How to conduct an elearning project retrospective

- Once you've finished work on an E-learning project, it's all too easy to move on to the next one without thinking about how you can improve your process. And this is where an E-learning project retrospective can help. Whether you call it a retrospective, a postmortem, debriefing or a wrap-up meeting, the purpose is simple: To evaluate your performance and reflect on the successes and failures of your last project to identify ways you can improve in the future. So here are three practical tips for how you can conduct your very own E-learning project retrospective. Tip number one. Invite everyone involved in the project. You know, most E-learning projects involve multiple people contributing to the creation of the final E-learning course you developed. Whether it's a subject matter expert who provided their knowledge or the administrator of your learning management system who helped you publish your course, they…
