클래스: Elearning Essentials: Storyboarding

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Storyboarding a scenario

Storyboarding a scenario

- [Instructor] Scenario-based elearning is a model of instruction that is known to improve learner engagement, places the learner in an authentic situation where usually the learner has to make some kind of a decision, and once a decision has been made, they then receive some kind of feedback on their choice to either confirm their knowledge or deliver additional points on the topic. So, if they click on a answer, there should be a corresponding action to give them some feedback or develop their knowledge further. When you're crafting your scenario, keep it realistic. Make it about real-world situations over theory. Think about, what are the core skills that they want to develop? What real-world challenges do learners face in their actual working environments? In keeping with our project theme of coaching for managers, the idea for this scenario is a real-world conversation between a manager and their employee. So, in our hypothetical situation here, we didn't get much feedback from…
