From the course: Elearning Essentials: Storyboarding

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Iteration, innovation, and repetition

Iteration, innovation, and repetition

From the course: Elearning Essentials: Storyboarding

Iteration, innovation, and repetition

- Thanks for watching this course. As you move forward, I'd like to leave you with a couple final thoughts. First, throughout the storyboarding process, you'll find many places to refine and iterate your designs and ideas. There will also be opportunities to innovate and try something new. I honestly don't think you can innovate on every project. But you can be specific about when and where to innovate. Think of innovation in our context as a dotted line rectangle. This is our sandbox. It's our current reality. Every organization and role has creative constraints. And so let's say you have five courses in your pipeline at any given time. Usually, there's one that you can try something new. So instead of breaking down the box and building a completely new one, poke a hole in the top-right corner here. Try something small. Then on the next project, push a little harder here. Be sure to experiment and fail fast and learn from the things that do and do not work. And eventually, let's say…
