From the course: Elearning Essentials: Storyboarding

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Designing your slides

Designing your slides

- [Instructor] A key part of the storyboarding process is the slide design. As you're thinking through your designs remember, the design should appeal to the target audience the instruction is trying to reach. Recently, I was creating a course for high level managers at a large organization and we used these illustrations that were fun, but they were somewhat elementary in their character design. And the feedback on our first round was that the graphics felt childish, eurgh right? I totally understood what they meant too, and so we designed a few more modern, professional looking slides to complement the course. To avoid that, here's some simple universal design principles to think about when designing your slides and thinking through your visuals. Hierarchy is a type of graphical system for organizing type that establishes an order, allowing the reader to easily find what they're looking for and navigate the content. Notice the organization here in this slide design. You have the…
