From the course: Elearning Essentials: Instructional Design

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Designing passive vs. active learning

Designing passive vs. active learning - Canvas Tutorial

From the course: Elearning Essentials: Instructional Design

Designing passive vs. active learning

- [Instructor] So we have probably all been to a talk or a lecture where we are just sitting and listening to the speaker. We are not interacting with them at all, just sitting and taking in the information we are being fed. And then, on the flip side, we have probably all had learning experiences where we are doing something like an experiment in a physics class or working in a group to figure out a problem. Which one of these do you think you can replicate in elearning? If you answered both, you are correct. There's a common misconception that elearning will need to be a flat, static learning experience, that you can only offer it in one dimension. This is passive learning, where a learner is not involved in the learning process and the teacher is just the center of the learning. Sound boring? Well, it usually is. But besides that, it's not providing the ideal space for learning. Now instead, remember when I mentioned physics earlier? What first came to mind? For me, it's this time…
