From the course: Dynamics 365 for Sales Teams

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Create a dashboard layout

Create a dashboard layout

- [Instructor] Customizing your dashboard is key to motivating you to get into Dynamics first thing every day. Go to Sales, and Dashboards. Up on the ribbon you can click New. We'll just do a two-column and Create. And now you can add. I'll choose accounts that I follow, and I'll chart it by owner 'cause I want to see who I'm competing with on the team. So I'll add that one in. Then I'll do an activity. My Activities. And I'll do it by type so I can see how many phone calls and how many tasks that I have assigned to myself. And you can continue to add more things, you'll give it a name, you'll click Save, you can close out of it, and then you can click Set As Default. Now when you come into your Dashboards, this is your default, as opposed to whatever one the system has generated. You can get back to that by clicking down on the down arrow and choosing a different one, but I would tell you don't settle for just that system overview of what everyone else is doing. That's probably…
