From the course: Drum Setup and Mic'ing in the Studio

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Additional tricks for getting interesting drum sounds

Additional tricks for getting interesting drum sounds

From the course: Drum Setup and Mic'ing in the Studio

Additional tricks for getting interesting drum sounds

- [Ryan] If you have a drum that's too resonant how do we know which head is being the culprit of resonanting too much? - I would start by loosening the bottom head. - [Ryan] Okay. - That'd be the first thing I would do. You know, maybe a quarter of a turn on each lug. Just so it's a symmetrical loosening of the bottom head. And then if that's not getting quite what you're looking for then you start using a little muffling, a little tape or something like that on there. - There's a trick that I saw, I can't remember who showed it to me, of putting like shredded paper or cotton balls inside the drum. Do you ever do things like that or do you try to keep it as open as possible and affect it from the outside? - Yeah, I almost always affect it from the outside. - [Ryan] Right, so it's easily removable and - Yeah. - [Ryan] undoable. Are there any other sort of, you know, little tricks that you use for making interesting characteristic sounds? - I did a sample session for Michael Jackson…
