From the course: Drum Set Lessons: On the Beaten Path

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Drumstick selection

Drumstick selection

- Now I want to talk about drumstick selection. Again, there's so many choices out there, how do you know what sticks to use, what to play? I like Vic Firth drumsticks, there's plenty of other different brands that you could try out. But in general there's a few sizing numbers that they use, that all drumstick manufacturers use. I want to talk about four of the most common sizes for drumsticks. This is a 7A and this drumstick is the smallest one that I'm gonna talk about today. And this is mostly used to play jazz or softer, quieter, kind of delicate music. So 7A, good for jazz. This is a Vic Firth 5A stick. This is probably the most common stick on the planet. I'd recommend if you don't know what types of stick to use, get yourself a set of 5As. 5As are gonna work for any style, pretty much anything you can do, a 5A will do the job for you. I'm gonna play with 5As today on this DVD. I like the stick, it's a great stick, general all-around 5A, great stick. 5B is another common size…
