From the course: Drum Mixing: Techniques

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Inspiration and next steps

- Thanks for watching Drum Mixing Techniques. I really hope it will encourage you to experiment and find your way to great sounding mixes. Be sure to check out the other two courses in this series, Drum Setup and Mic'ing in the Studio, and Drum Recording Session with Josh Freese. For more in depth tutorials on audio recording and mixing, check out some of the other great courses on, including, Audio Recording Techniques with Bobby Owsinski, Music Production Secrets: Larry Crane on Mixing, and Brent Carpenter's Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour With Rush. If you'd like to catch up with me, and find out more about my work in the studio, check out my website,, follow me on Twitter @ryanhewittmix, and Facebook, Ryan Hewitt in the Studio. Thanks again for watching.
