From the course: Drum Mixing: Techniques

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Grouping drum tracks to control the full mix

Grouping drum tracks to control the full mix

From the course: Drum Mixing: Techniques

Grouping drum tracks to control the full mix

- We've put all these things together. We've put our dry tracks, we've put our room tracks together, we've got some parallel compression going, we've got some distortion going, we've got distortion going on an individual track. So, I've used a bunch of my tricks now to put this whole mix together. I think it's a fine time to try to listen with our band tracks, and just see where we're at, and make sure we haven't overdone it. (drum beats) (instrumental rock music) (drum beats and rock bass music) (exciting instrumental rock music) So not bad, but working too long in isolation has brought my gain of my whole drum kit a little bit too loud, so I gotta trim that down to fit better on the mix bus, which is now pretty hot. So as in the box, I just created a VCA group that encompasses the whole drum kit, so with one fader, I can cut them and turn them all down. (rock drums and bass) (volume of music shifts) So I'm pretty stoked on where we're going. The kick drum is supporting the bass…
