From the course: Digital Audio Foundations

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Characteristics of analog and digital

Characteristics of analog and digital

From the course: Digital Audio Foundations

Characteristics of analog and digital

- When it comes to digital and analog audio sometimes people think analog is pure and perfect or sometimes people think digital audio is so powerful, why do we even need analog audio? In my opinion, both of those extreme attitudes are missing the point and often are based on preconceived notions about how audio works that may or may not be factually correct. Personally I believe that when you're comparing digital and analog audio it's a trap to think too simplistically or generally or to assume that one is necessarily better than the other. They simply have different strengths and weaknesses in different situations, plus, it's possible to combine both even within the same project if you have equipment that allows for that. Many audio interfaces like this one allow multiple separate audio streams to flow into and out of the computer, converting them from analog to digital or back as appropriate. You can set up custom signal paths in your DAW to take advantage of this and send some…
