From the course: DevOps Foundations: Your First Project (2019)

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Writing your integration test

Writing your integration test

- [Instructor] Explore California is looking more diversified by the minutes. We started with a legacy website, that is maintained in a data center on servers that are completely different from production, in production and development. And now we have a way of locally testing them with Docker our spec copy borrows Selenium and we run all that in Docker Compose and now we are able to deploy this, into the cloud with Terraform also running in Docker, also running in Docker Compose. So the last thing that we want to add here since, we strongly believe in test here at Explore California, is in integration test. We have unit test here, in our spec unit folder, and it's really simple test, just to make sure the page actually renders. But it will be nice to have a test that just confirms that we can hit the site and that the page renders on the Internet as well. So what we are going to do is, we are going to create a simple…
