From the course: DevOps Foundations: Your First Project (2019)

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(upbeat music) - [Instructor] As we saw in the previous part of our course, Terraform enables you to easily create, change, and keep track of your infrastructure entirely with code. While Terraform supports many providers, our course specifically focuses on deploying infrastructure into AWS with Terraform. In this challenge, you'll be using your newfound Terraform and Docker skills to solve a very popular problem in the DevOps space, creating virtual machines in the AWS Elastic Compute Cloud, or EC2 for short. So, here is your mission. First, you're going to write a Terraform file that will create a VM in AWS EC2 with the aws_instance Terraform resource. This VM will be named My Awesome VM, so that's my-awesome-vm, and it'll have the size t2.micro. Next, we'll create Docker Compose service called terraform that will run Terraform and create this VM with the code that you created. The Docker image that you…
