From the course: DevOps Foundations: Infrastructure as Code

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Helm charts

Helm charts

- [Instructor] Now that James has told you about Docker containers let's get an application deployed onto our Kubernetes cluster. It's sitting here empty except for all the default services. Very lonely. So we could do this by hand, but we're not animals, right? This is an infrastructure as code course. So we're going to use IAC to deploy our applications as well. In the cloud native ecosystem, Helm charts are a popular way of deploying applications. This is the Helm homepage, Here you will find a lot of documentation and resources to help you along your Helm journey. I've already installed Helm on this server, but the instructions to do that are in the course materials. Now, there are a lot of Helm repositories out there with ready to use charts already. Here. I've added the Bitnami repository to our local. And then we can search this repository to see what all it has in it that we can use. And as you can see, there…
