From the course: DevOps Foundations: Infrastructure as Code

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Automate all the things

Automate all the things

- Okay, so we're done now. Our infrastructure is code, and so thank you for joining us in this course. - Well, hold on, so it depends what you mean. There's your applications and your infrastructure, but people may be forgetting about some other pieces. What about your monitoring, your runbooks, your documentation, your API definitions, your SaaS integrations? - Well, you know, I thought I'd just, you know, click around and set all that stuff up manually. - Have you learned nothing? - Well, you know, seriously, now that you have big parts of your system as code, look to see what else you can codify. - All these things are part of your system, and they're all in scope in terms of reliability, performance, and security. - The application boundary isn't just the code anymore. All the benefits you get out of infrastructure as code, the testability and repeatability, you want all that in all the other pieces of your system.…
