From the course: Developing Adaptable Employees

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Roles of adaptive workers

Roles of adaptive workers

- As a manager of adaptive workers, you're going to find that your team will likely be operating in a variety of work contexts from full-time employees to temporary gig workers and you'll need to learn how to help all of them to become more adaptive. I actually started out my career as that temporary gig worker. I've never spent much time in college so I found a series of odd and sometimes extremely odd jobs in my early 20s. I would go to a temporary agency in my area and I would ask them for the hardest temp job they had to do with computers. I'd then go to the client's office in the morning, I'd read the computer manual and often be teaching their staff how to use the computer better by the afternoon. I found that I thrived on the opportunity to continually learn something new and to be productive with that work in a really short time. You're likely to find that people who work regularly in temporary roles are either naturally drawn toward impermanent work situations because they're…
