From the course: Designing Data Governance

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Finding an effective sponsor for data governance council

Finding an effective sponsor for data governance council

From the course: Designing Data Governance

Finding an effective sponsor for data governance council

We've all dealt with meeting fatigue, where colleagues try to solve problems by filling our calendar with invitations to hop on a quick call. But one less discussed time suck is not having the right people in the room to make key decisions. Sponsors advocate for your work by ensuring that it gets the resources and visibility to thrive. Rather than spending months searching for buy-in only to realize you've talked to the wrong people, you'll confirm that your data governance council's work has support from someone with the power and connections to advocate for your work, even when your council is not in the room. If you're in a C-suite role yourself, you still need a sponsor. This could be your CEO, a member of the board, or a peer. If you report to the CIO, your boss owns the infrastructure for your organization. Their tasks include signing off on procurement for new tech, implementing new IT across the organization, and ensuring that all IT decisions support the business strategy…
