From the course: Designing Data Governance

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Differences between business and technical data stewards

Differences between business and technical data stewards

From the course: Designing Data Governance

Differences between business and technical data stewards

You might wonder if data stewards must hold technical roles. After all, data scientists, engineers, etc., work with all types of data each day. Aren't they most qualified to serve as stewards? The answer is sometimes, but not always. Remember our example about the taxonomy in our database about cars. Within that process we discussed, business stewards own data for business processes and workflows related to their car types. One statistician/steward owns the process for Audis, the other owns it for BMWs. Both stewards own the data classification scheme for metadata and metadata which falls under their areas of expertise. In our car database, a statistician who produces data releases for BMWs would serve as a steward for BMWs taxonomic hierarchies. This involves collaborating with colleagues to make sure that these hierarchies are accurate, organized, informative, and intuitive; collecting data and confirming that this data and associated metadata meets quality standards; reviewing and…
