课程: Design Aesthetics for the Web


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Examples from art and design

Examples from art and design

- [Instructor] To get you in the right frame of mind to understand aesthetics, let's take a look at things that society has deemed beautiful over the centuries. Afterwards, we'll talk briefly about aesthetics in print and web design. So we'll start a review of beauty and things with pleasing aesthetic qualities by looking at nature, such as space, earth, science, and animals, galaxies and nebulas in space, pyramids in Egypt, the Grand Canyon, spiral patterns in nature, schools of fish, zebras and so on. People also find beauty in man-made structures and objects, like architecture and furniture. Think Notre Dame, the Empire State Building, and the Guggenheim Bilbao, or an Eames lounge chair, or an Egon Eiermann plywood chair. In the world of art, we have such iconic images, like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and Botticelli's Birth of Venus. There's the Mona Lisa, Van Gogh's Starry Night, and Gustav Klimt's The Kiss. I can't show you any more contemporary work without obtaining…
