From the course: Demystifying Audio Synthesis: Beyond The Basics

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Discovering FM synthesis

Discovering FM synthesis

- [Instructor] Up to this point, we've used the concept of modulation quite a bit. We've seen how low frequency oscillators, or LFOs, can attach to other parameters like oscillator pitch, cutoff filters, and amplitude. Of course, as their names suggests, these low frequency oscillators operate at only a few cycles per second in the lower range or even below the frequency rate of sound we can hear. For example, we can use the low frequency oscillator of our modulator signal to modulate or alter the frequency or amplitude response of our carrier signal. The LFO modulator is the lower rate waveform at the top of this screen. And the result is it modulates the carrier signal's amplitude. The end result is it looks something like this. This is amplitude modulation, or AM synthesis. For frequency modulation synthesis, or FM synthesis, we're using the frequency of our modulator a bit differently. In this case, we're…
