From the course: Data Rights Foundations

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Common examples

Common examples

- [Narrator] I mention GDPR previously and how there are many different changes to privacy legislation across Europe. To date, the largest fine at the moment has been for British Airways. They were fined $204 million for insufficient technical and organizational measures to ensure information security. This basically means that they were not compliant with GDPR legislation. They didn't have the systems in place to manage what was required. The amount of this fine is not final at the moment and will be reviewed in time and updated. This is an example of one company that has been attempted to be fined under GDPR, but it's not the only one and it won't be the last. It is not always possible to make data completely anonymous. In Australia, in 2017, data was provided for analytical purposes on a public, government data website. This data was sourced from government medical records. It soon became apparent that also the data…
