From the course: Data Modeling in MongoDB

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Application-driven architecture

Application-driven architecture - MongoDB Tutorial

From the course: Data Modeling in MongoDB

Application-driven architecture

- Let's get started on modeling out our social media application. And as we go, I want you to keep a couple of things in mind. First off, we're going to be working backwards. We're going to start with the application itself and work to call out the data points that we see on the screen. This is called application-first modeling or query-first modeling and it all centers around one simple question. What data do I need? What data do I need? That's the center of all document driven database modeling, right? When your application renders itself out to the user, whatever form that takes, it's going to need some data to present to the user that should drive your modeling, that should drive your documents. Now, as we navigate at this lesson and the ones following, please be considerate of your own application needs and ask yourself that same question. Challenge yourself to draw out your application, go through the same…
