From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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Using a funnel in the dataflow

Using a funnel in the dataflow - Apache NiFi Tutorial

From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

Using a funnel in the dataflow

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'll show you how you can use a funnel in NiFi. Now, a funnel is a junction point for multiple processors. And for that, I'm going to copy over this InvokeHTTP processor so that I have three separate copies. So, there'll be three processors running, all of which will hit the Bored API URL. So, I have my second processor here and here is my third. All of them have the exact same configuration settings. That's why I configured it once and then copied it over. Next, you can set up a funnel. A funnel is a junction point where multiple incoming connections from different processors can be merged into a single outgoing connection. The funnel is a pass-through component that allows you to bring data from multiple sources together into a single system. We'll use a funnel to connect together all of our InvokeHTTP processors so that the outputs of each are merged together. So that instead of three data…
