From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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Running the end-to-end flow

Running the end-to-end flow

- [Instructor] Before we run our data flow, let's get the data that we need to process into the right folder. Remember, it needs to be under Users, loonycorn, tools, dataset. So I'm going to copy the data over and once that's done, we can head back to the NiFi UI and start our workflow. Now what I'm going to do here is not start the workflow all at once, but instead we'll start it up processor by processor. This will allow us to view the output of each processor if we want to. Right-click on GetFile and select the Start option and the GetFile processor is now up and running and observe the queue just after GetFile now has 10 flow files. These are parts of the data flow that we've tested and we know they work, let's start up ReplaceText, remember this will replace the NA values with empty string. Next we have the PutDatabaseRecord that will write out all of the input records to our PostgreSQL cars database. Let's start that…
