From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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Running a dataflow

Running a dataflow

- [Instructor] The little warning icons you see on the two processors we have on our canvas are because we haven't connected up the two processors yet to create a dataflow. We haven't configured the success relationship for GenerateFlowFile, and for PutFile, we haven't configured an upstream connection from where it can receive a flow file that it'll write out to the local file system. Let's go ahead and connect up the two processors. Select the little arrow icon and drag it onto PutFile, and this will set up a connection that you can configure using this Connection dialogue. There are many properties that you can specify for a connection, but here, I'm only going to put in the name for the connection. This is optional. A name will be auto-generated if you don't specify one. You can also have your connection prioritize the flow files that flow through it. Notice the prioritizers here, FirstInFirstOut,…
