From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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Running a dataflow to insert data into PostgreSQL

Running a dataflow to insert data into PostgreSQL - Apache NiFi Tutorial

From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

Running a dataflow to insert data into PostgreSQL

- [Instructor] Now that our data flow is completely connected and configured, let's get ready to execute this flow. But first, let's make sure the data is available. Remember that previously, when the flow read the data in it also deleted the file. So I'm going to paste this file once again in the dataset folder that my flow reads. So here is my car ad 01.csv pasted into the dataset folder that my flow is now going to read. Select the GetFile processor and click on the play button and GetFile will now run. Notice that it has retrieved the file from the datasets folder and that file is now queued between GetFile and ReplaceText. As soon as GetFile reads the file, it'll also delete the file from the dataset folder, and you can see that the folder off to the right is empty. The file has been deleted. The queue has one flow file. Let's right click, go to List Queue, and let's view the contents of this flow file. You can…
