From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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macOS and Windows: Starting the NiFi server

macOS and Windows: Starting the NiFi server - Apache NiFi Tutorial

From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

macOS and Windows: Starting the NiFi server

- [Instructor] Now that we've successfully downloaded Apache NiFi, let's run it now. Whether you're a Windows user or a Mac user, the steps that you see in this movie apply to both kinds of users. Let's cd into the folder where we have NiFi installed. This is our tools/nifi-1.23.0 folder. Now, within the bin subfolder in this NiFi installed directory, there are a whole bunch of scripts. These are the scripts that we'll use to interact with NiFi. If you're on a Mac or a Linux machine, the script that we'll use to start up NiFi is the script. If you're a Windows user, you'll use run-nifi.bat. Now, the next one or two commands only apply to MacOS users. I'll show you what's possible using the script. You can run --help, and you'll see all of the commands that you can execute. You can start, stop, restart NiFi, view diagnostics, status history, and a whole lot more. Let's see what the current Apache…
