From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

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Email alerts on dataflow success

Email alerts on dataflow success - Apache NiFi Tutorial

From the course: Data Management with Apache NiFi

Email alerts on dataflow success

- [Instructor] We are now ready to run our data flow and have it send us alert messages when the data flow succeeds or when there is inactivity or the inactivity has been restored. Now here is the alice@loonycorn email address that will be receiving our messages. Let's head back to Apache NiFi. Here is the data flow where we set up monitor activity and the PutEmail processors. And you can see here up top, this is the same data flow as before where we read from an HTTP URL, merge the data streams together, extract some structured content from the JSON, and write it out to the file system. Let's go ahead and start the data flow and watch monitoring and alerting in action. Now I'm going to hit Refresh a few times here in the Apache NiFi UI so we can see the different bits of information that's being processed. Clearly, the data flow is running quite fine. The PutEmail processor at the bottom right of the screen will…
