From the course: Cubase Pro 10 Essential Training: The Basics

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Media tab

Media tab

- [Man] Okay moving on again, what I want to do is look at the right hand zone over here. At the second tab along the media tab. But just before I do, and this is really to give you a little bit more additional information about what we talked about with a sample track. It's related to using the zones. Remember if you've got your sample track selected here, then we see the related audio sample running in the lower zone here. Well we will do, just as long as we've got that middle button there activated, to show the lower zone. If I click on there, then of course we now notice the lower zone disappears from view. We can easily bring it back by selecting that again. And of course we now see it. That is one way of doing it. That is one way of hiding the related audio sample that goes with this sample track, and triggered by all these individual MIDI notes here. Okay so that's one way of doing it. In other words, hiding the whole lower zone. But if we don't want to hide the lower zone…
