From the course: Cubase Pro 10 Essential Training: Editing and Mixing

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Plugin manager collections

Plugin manager collections

- [Instructor] Right, let's look further at the VST Plug-in Manager here. Here's the VST Effects tab, with our plugins listed in alphabetical order, rather than by vendor. You will notice that there are five columns here. These columns provide us with information such as the plugin name, the vendor, a category, a version number, and how many instances are being utilized at the present time. Additionally, each time we select one of these plugins, we get further information about it in the Plug-in Information area below. For example, with this Waves plugin, Abbey Road Chambers, we see this Plug-in Information down here about it. Of course selecting any of the plugins offers pertinent information about it. Do notice also there is a checkbox down here labeled Hide. If there is any reason you don't want certain plugins to be displayed and made available for use, you can check in here to have their access removed. They're not…
