From the course: Creative Cloud Crash Course

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Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero

- [Instructor] Augmented reality is an exciting new area but can be a little bit daunting to figure out or how to get into it. But that's what makes Adobe Aero exciting. That along with Dimension allows you to build, view, and share interactive augmented reality experiences. And that's where I'm going to start is in Dimension. I have this model that I have created. So just select your model and go right up to File, Export, Selected for Aero. Selecting that, just make sure that it's under 50 megs. And then you can export it out to your Creative Cloud Files folder. I have a specific one for Aero projects. So I'm going to call it Cup and put in the Aero folder just like that. Now that it's saved to my Creative Cloud Files folder, I can go to my mobile device, an iOS device, can be iPad or iPhone, and I can launch Aero. And here's Aero on my iPhone. I'm going to launch it. And from here, I'm going to create a new scene. So…
