From the course: Creating Presets, LUTs, and Profiles for Photography

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The Lensfun profile library

The Lensfun profile library

- The LCP format is widely used by Adobe, but there's another library that a lot of other manufacturers use, and it's called Lensfun. You can visit Lensfun on, and you'll see a lot of information about the lenses and cameras that it supports. Feel free to see if your camera and lens combination is recognized. Now clicking on Usage, you'll see that a wide range of software uses this. Some popular applications in here include Affinity Photo, Exposure from Alien Skin, ON1 Photo RAW, and many others. These are commonly using the same library for corrections. Let's go ahead and open one of those applications. I'll use Affinity Photo from Serif. Now, when we launch Affinity it's an alternative to Adobe Photoshop. A lot of the tools are the same. Don't worry if you haven't used this tool before, just notice that what happens when we open up a RAW file. I'll choose File Open, and open up some additional RAW…
