From the course: Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

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Be positive with customers, not provoking

Be positive with customers, not provoking

- When I facilitate training on handling difficult customers, I like to hear actual interactions between employees and customers so I can pinpoint precisely how I can help. Recently, I listened to a random sample of calls for a client ahead of training. I noticed some of the employees used language that opens the door for escalations. I heard things like, "That would be something you'd have to speak to your local provider about. I have no way of knowing this information." "So we are just the lab. We don't work directly with patients." "My supervisor would just tell you the same thing I'm telling you." Now, the negativity in these words is unintentional. I'm sure of that, but when customers hear statements like these, that is precisely the point when I hear things escalate. The customer escalates because the language created a barrier in their mind and the only way around the barrier is to push back. So what can you…
