From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure

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Adding isolated footings

Adding isolated footings

- [Instructor] Isolated footings belong underneath peers, pilasters and of course columns. Like their wall-footing cousin, isolated footings behave in the same exact manner. They look for a column to support. This video will involve creating a new isolated footing type, and then we're going to place it underneath our columns. In Revit, under models, let's go to open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Let's select isolated footings, click OK. Open. On the structure tab under foundation, let's go to isolated. Let's click edit type, let's click duplicate. Now this time we're going to call it three foot six, by three foot six, by 12 inches, and we'll get rid of the number two. Click OK. Foundation thickness wants to be one foot. The width is three space six. The length is three space six. Click OK. Now notice that we can select at columns, because we did it the right way. Click at columns. Same…
