From the course: Creating Concrete Buildings with Revit Structure

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Adding concrete piers and pilasters

Adding concrete piers and pilasters

- [Instructor] One of the best things about Revit's structure is the fact that materials kind of know one another. One of the biggest time savers in using this application is recognized when walls and piers come together. By just plopping in a pier, we save ourselves the offset command, the trim command, and the hatch command, all in one shot. So let's start adding some support to our columns. Under models, I'm going to go to open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files and I'll grab 03_02_Piers. Click open. In this case, I'd like to go down to our top-of-footing level. Piers are actually structural columns. So let's go to structure, let's go to column. 18 by 18 concrete columns. Good to start with, but let's click edit type, let's click duplicate. I want to call this two foot dash six inch by two foot dash six inch. Click OK. BNH, those are both going to be two foot six. Now let's click OK. Now…
