From the course: Creating a Mood Board

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Mood board components: Colors, fonts, imagery, illustration

Mood board components: Colors, fonts, imagery, illustration

From the course: Creating a Mood Board

Mood board components: Colors, fonts, imagery, illustration

- [Instructor] Creating a mood board is a form of planning. It's a creative exercise to brainstorm and research ideas. It helps organize your thoughts and find patterns in your inspiration. So before we go any further, what exactly goes into a mood board? While it's not limited to any set list, let's take a look at some of the most common components. Color is one of the first things people think about when brainstorming. It can play a key role in setting the mood and tone of a project. Working out a color palette is often the first step. Take a look at the color that surrounds you from being out in nature, to wall paint, to websites, how do different colors make you feel? Consider different color combinations. Are they pleasing to the eye? What emotions do they evoke? Fonts are also an important tool for telling a brand story. Like colors, fonts evoke different energy and emotions. The fonts you choose can go a long way…
